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BF Adventure Quarryathon Challenge 2012

BF Adventure Quarryathon Challenge 2012

Quarry-A-thon_NovembersmallJust as you were beginning to relax into the oncoming Winter and start the eating fest in the run up to Christmas, BF Adventure has thrown in a great challenge to get us all off our bums.
The Cornish charity and activity centre, BF Adventure is calling all adventurers to come and tackle the ‘Quarryathon’ Challenge.

The BF Adventure Quarryathon is a mixture of physical and mental challenges for teams of four taking place across the charity’s 60-acre site near Falmouth, which includes 3 former Granite quarries.
Taking place on Saturday, November 3rd, organisers are looking for teams of friends, workmates, clubs or families to get involved.
The course takes around 1.5 hours to complete with start times scheduled throughout the day.
BF Adventures Chief Executive Adrian Richards said:
“Teams should be prepared to travel over land, water and through the air as they compete to finish the course, with the added twist that this year the tortoise may well beat the hare as time bonuses will be awarded for fancy dress, for the amount of sponsorship raised, for team spirit and the overall amount of ‘FUN’ had by the team members”.

Please book online where you can choose your preferred start time

Alternatively please contact BF Adventure for a registration form or phone us on 01326 341 803.

Every year BF Adventure, formerly known as Bishop’s Forum, helps hundreds of disadvantaged and disabled children and adults in Cornwall to believe in themselves and gain the skills and accreditations to succeed at school or to find employment.

In total the Centre runs more than 8000 activity sessions for over 3000 individuals annually.
In 2011 as well as activity days and short residential stays, the charity ran structured long-term programmes for 50 young people aged 14-19 who are not in education, employment and training plus 78 children who had been excluded from school.
In addition, BF Adventure helped 120 primary school pupils on early intervention programmes and 150 disabled children and young people on activity breaks with their family or friends.
Voluntary roles include supporting instructors with outdoor and adventure activities, office-based support or maintenance, or helping with a specific project such as a fundraising event or offering services in kind.

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